Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Dublin scavenger hunt.

Fun fact: basically all the houses in Greystones (maybe it's true for most/all of Ireland?) have a name on a sign on or by the house, as in the houses are named.
 Today we were split into random groups and had a list of things to find in Dublin. We were there for like 5 hours just walking around, it was SO fun and BEAUTIFUL!!! This was in front of the bell tower at Trinity university in Dublin.
 I can't get enough of the architecture, as you can tell... that's a beautiful church with a red door. It was incredible inside too, but the lighting was poor and I felt irreverent to take pictures in there.

 Not to be offensive, but I'm sorry, this was hilarious.

I'm trying to stay on top of my pictures while everything is still new and I'm taking a lot. Maybe I'm being a bit ambitious? :) Needless to say, in summary, this day was amazing. My feet killed from walking so long, but I could've sat and just people-watched for hours more. I love this place. I can't wait to explore the shops, cafes, and pubs more.

I should also mention the DART (Dublin Area Rapid Transport, the train) as well... we Taylor students can ride it as much as we want and they will just keep refilling our card. It is SO convenient and fun. I imagine it will become very relaxing with a book or some crocheting once I don't have to fret about missing my stop. And I hope I can make some friends :)


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