Sunday, September 22, 2013

he speaks.

    The same night I wrote about in my last post, my first Sunday at Kingdom Life I received prayer for Original Design. What's that? Well, it's a prophetic ministry where a prayer team asks the Lord for His thoughts concerning you, His design for you upon creating you, and any words of encouragement He may have for you. It's something I have received a few times before. The first time I went for Original Design Freshman year I was pretty skeptical, thinking they'd say things to me that they could say to anyone. But let me just tell you, my skepticism turned into utter awe of the love of the Father, which is so real and so personal, and awe of the simple fact that He knows me better than anyone else and better than I know myself. He created me for specific purposes and as I seek Him, He wants to reveal those purposes and designs to me, and to each of us! This is just one way to hear from Him. (They have a handout full of their scriptural basis for this, two examples being Ephesians 2:10: "For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." and 1 Corinthians 14:3 which says "The one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort.")

    If we believe God is alive and truly who scripture says He is, the same yesterday today and forever, of course He still speaks to us, and of course He wants to encourage, love, and direct us!

    Anyway, each time I have received Original Design things have been said that have been absolutely spot-on, and undeniably specific to me, my life, and my situations. This time one of the things they said was to guard my morning meetings with God in the morning, because they are powerful, He loves them, and when I meet with Him in this way He walks with me for the rest of the day. Well guess what's been a big struggle for me the past two weeks - giving God that precious time in the mornings! Yikes, I'm actually just tonight realizing the significance of this word I received 3 weeks ago, and am realizing it makes complete sense this is what Satan would attack! Of course, God is in and with me regardless of whether I set aside time for Him, but if I'm not spending time focusing on Him in the mornings, connecting with Him and giving my day over to Him, I'm not as effective for the Kingdom. It literally affects every interaction I have with people, my attitude, my mindset, everything. I can undeniably feel the difference.  Let me challenge you as I'm so challenged, don't let Satan get away with getting you to rationalize away your need for or your ability to have those precious times! And if we're not spending time with God to get to know Him and hear His voice, how do we expect to get any closer to Him?

    I also received words that have been confirmed in a few situations already this school year about what God has made my role to be in the community of believers, and even what that could look like in the future. Also, looking back over last semester and the summer I found myself in this role as well. These specific words have been given me I think each time I've had Original Design (I'm hesitant to say specifically what they are... but then again, shouldn't we recognize in each other who God created each person to be and hold them to it??)

    SO COOL. Those are just a couple examples of the ways the Lord has spoken to me through these people who are simply willing to hear His voice and pass it along for their fellow believers' encouragement. I want so much to develop this gift I firmly believe God gives to all His children of hearing His voice, it's just up to us to utilize and develop it! I think we make it waaay more complicated and intimidating than God intended for it to be... what good Father wouldn't talk to His children who seek Him?

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